
Philips County AR

Outline: VI C 3
year: 1919
Where: Philips County AR( Arkansas)
Lots of returning black vets from WW1, have seen the un-racism in Eu and dont want to work for Wht's and know how to use guns.
Philips County is 3/4 black most of whom are sharecroppers who want to from union called the Progressive Household and Farmers Union: essentially a union to organize the sharecroppers-> so they meet in Hoopspur AR in a Church, the Wht Sherif Dep and an other go to harass the sharecroppers out of forming a union but the sharecroppers have guns and kill both of them-> Wht rampage through black neighborhoods; kill every black they see, estimated 200 blacks killer-> 27 men arrested all of whom are black and because they are black they cant call witnesses
Later on the NAACP hires lawyers to appeal the case goes to supreme court and NAACP actually wins the cases

this is a good example of scapegoat rioting like the Red Scare and the Chicago race riot

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